Soontrue Face Mask Packaging Machine

31 Aug 2020

In the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak in China that has now spread to other parts of the world. The lack of epidemic prevention materials is one of the major problems to resist the virus. Foshan Soontrue Mechanical Co., Ltd.(Herein after refer to Soontrue) is bearing strong sense of social responsibility to relieve the undersupply problem of face masks. From Feb. 10, Soontrue has returned to work and started mass production for face mask packaging machines day and night




Until now, there are more than 600 face masks packaging machines have been ordered will be delivered in March. To make efforts on fighting the virus, Soontrue guarantes that they will try their best to deliver the face mask packaging machines to customers on time. Let’s know more about Soontrue face mask packaging machine SZ180
If you have any demand on face mask packaging machine, pls feel free to contact us at any time.